Friday, 12 August 2011


hey buddies
hem, guess what, now i've twitter account
hemmm, tp x tau nak gune
asal bukak je twitter hanya mampu melihat
x tau nak buat ape
kawan ckp fb dah semakin bosan sbb tu lah buat acc twitter
tp skali, hamik, hanya mampu melihat je
hem x pe lah janji org tnye ade acc twitter boleh ckp ade :P hahahaha
x kesah lah mcm mne pon twitter ni, lame² nnt ok lah kot
hem pape pon exam dah habissssssssss, woohoooo
hah cukup² lah merepek
bye semueeeee

Friday, 5 August 2011

learning :)

hey hey buddies
i'm so lazy to write new post, but today i want to share some english word that i found in new straits time :)
come on read english newspaper to improve our vocabulary buddies
and here are the words:
price surge=lonjakan harga
ok that's all, and if you have know the word ok lah
n maybe it's not to late for me to say "selamat berpuase semue"
ok bye² ^_^