Thursday, 26 May 2011

brand new look :)

ohoy fellow friends, it's been a long time not to updated my blog
sebok laa kate kan mau exam, ntah ape ntah yg sebok nye, bace buku x juge pon
hah, ape² pon my blog have a new look
hem, nothing more to say laaa
mid year exam??
ibu n ayah aspect me to score higher marks which i think i can't
hem, anak ibu ni bkn nye genius sgt :(
halamak, tension juge ni
pape pon i've put so much effort to score in the exam
tp nmpknye x berbuahkan hasil

ohoy, nak cuti skola laaaaaaaaaaaa
so i want to wish happy school holiday
eh terawal sgt pule wish, heee, x pe la kot
hem dah puas merepek, see u next time